Autobiography of a sensitive soul and recovering people pleaser

Painting abstract art and what it teaches us about life

Written by Ruth Arnott | Dec 10, 2023 11:32:08 AM

I spent yesterday deep in creativity at an abstract art class. As a sensitive person, I have a deep need to express myself creatively. It’s a way for me to access source and allow energy to flow through me. It’s also a great way for me to be with and connect with people without the noise of lots of people talking at once. Whilst there is some conversation, for the most part, participants are quietly lost in the production of their art. Whilst I’m painting, I like to reflect on what abstract art teaches us about life.

  • Nobody can tell you how to create it, it must come from you, although having someone wise to support you in finding some direction and help you reflect on your art is helpful.
  • You decide any ‘rules or limitations you will apply, no one else can prescribe how you will make it.
  • You don’t have to wait for inspiration, just get started.
  • You make it up as you go along, changing colours and techniques as the visual in front of you takes shape.
  • Your painting cannot be right or wrong. Removing judgement from the process makes it a lot more enjoyable.
  • You don’t know what the final product will look like until the end of the process. It is usually a pleasant surprise and is always unique.
  • Occasionally, you produce something that you don’t like. When this happens you learn from your mistakes deciding what’s good about it and what isn’t and then either keep it for future reference or paint over it as you can always start again.
I can help you create the life, love and career that you’ve been daydreaming about. I currently have an opening for a client. If creating an awesome life sound like your thing, comment below or get in touch